ABCF Hosts Russian Physician Delegation
June 16, 2021
The American Breast Cancer Foundation was chosen to host a Delegation of Physicians from Russia sponsored by the US Department of State on Thursday, Feb. 13th. It was an honor for ABCF to be selected among several other prestigious organizations including NIH, and Johns Hopkins Hospital. The Russian Delegation’s visit to ABCF had two distinct objectives….
– examine the role of cancer foundations in professional and public health education.
– discuss foundation programs and examine the successes and benefits of education for early detection and treatment of breast cancer.
ABCF staff presented an overview of the foundation, programs, our mission and provide examples of educational outreach strategies ABCF utilizes to educate the public through both traditional and social media platforms while being mindful of the needs in underserved populations.
This overview included examples of our product and print distribution, book publication, articles in major media outlets, posts to ABCF social medial platforms, lastly demonstration of our highly successful online resource the “Animated Patient Series”, along with the success metrics and pre and post evaluations.
Yearly, hundreds of foreign professionals sponsored by the U.S. State Department come to America to meet with their counterparts and learn about best practices in their field. Many of the visitors become or already are influential leaders in their field of expertise in their own country. Through well-tailored visits and through great experiences, these visitors take back home not only the best practices they have learned but also the best memories of the American people.
The delegation organizer and US Department of State have expressed their sincerest gratitude on behalf of our Russian delegation, to ABCF for meeting with them and coordinating their visit. The experience was priceless for them and they did share how much they enjoyed the visit.