Inspiring Change: An Interview with Karen Fultz, Attorney, Athlete, and Advocate for Women’s Health

In a recent inspiring conversation, Karen Fultz, an attorney, marathon runner, and advocate for women’s health, shared her personal journey of resilience, advocacy, and entrepreneurship. Her story, deeply rooted in overcoming both physical and mental health challenges, sheds light on the importance of early cancer detection and the critical role of community support through the American Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF).

A Personal Journey to Wellness

“I started running marathons in my late thirties because I needed to prioritize both my mental and physical health,” Karen explained. Reflecting on her family’s history of chronic illnesses, she added, “High blood pressure, diabetes, and breast cancer run in my family. It made me confront my own mortality and realize that my health is something I must protect if I want to live a full life with the people I love.”

Karen’s personal wellness journey inspired the creation of her athletic clothing line, which focuses on health and wellness, particularly for individuals who have faced breast cancer and undergone reconstructive surgery. “Our sports bras are specially designed to support breast health, offering comfort and structure for those who have undergone mastectomies and reconstruction. Many women have found that our bras help them feel more secure and supported after surgery,” she explained.

In addition to breast health, Karen’s clothing line addresses the needs of individuals recovering from cancer treatments. “We design long-sleeve garments with sun protection in mind. After chemotherapy or radiation, the skin becomes very sensitive to the sun and environmental elements, so it’s important to have that extra layer of protection,” Karen added.

Her commitment to health and recovery is evident in every product. “I incorporated these ideas into our designs, and our COO, who is also a breast cancer survivor, contributed her own experiences to ensure our products meet the needs of women facing similar challenges.”

Facing Mental Health and Cancer

Karen candidly discussed her battle with mental health and how running became her salvation. “Running saved me. It became my way to process the emotional challenges I was going through,” she shared. “Mental health isn’t something you can overlook—especially in communities where it’s often ignored. Taking care of my body was the first step toward healing my mind.”

She also touched on the emotional and financial toll of a cancer scare, emphasizing how these experiences pushed her to advocate for access to preventive care through ABCF. “Facing a potential cancer diagnosis is terrifying. The anxiety, the tests, and the costs—it’s overwhelming. No one should have to go through it alone or without the resources they need.”

The Role of ABCF in Preventive Care

As a board member of ABCF, Karen is passionate about ensuring preventive care is accessible to all people, regardless of their financial situation. “ABCF is more than just a foundation—it’s a lifeline for so many who can’t afford the screenings and care they need,” she said. “We’re not just providing diagnostic testing, we’re offering hope and peace of mind.”

Ed Pol, CEO of Swissray, reinforced this sentiment: “Our goal at Swissray is simple—we want to make sure that every person, no matter the background or financial status, has access to the best possible technology for early detection. Partnering with ABCF is a powerful way to reach those who need it most.”

David Georges, President of Koning, echoed these thoughts: “We’re proud to be part of this initiative. Our technology offers faster, more comfortable, and more accurate screenings, which can truly make a difference in early detection. By working with ABCF and Swissray, we’re bringing this life-saving technology to the communities that need it the most.”

Immediate Impact and Expanding Access

Karen and her colleagues at ABCF are focused on delivering results quickly and efficiently. “Ninety percent of the donations we receive go directly to breast cancer detection services for underserved women,” Karen emphasized. “It’s important to us that every dollar makes an immediate difference in someone’s life.”

During the conversation, Karen highlighted the importance of mobile screening units, which Swissray and Koning are collaborating on with ABCF. “The mobile units are crucial,” Karen explained. “They allow us to reach women where they are, removing barriers like transportation and cost, and making screenings more accessible.”

A Call to Action

As Karen reflected on her journey and her work with ABCF, her message was clear: everyone has a role to play in the fight against breast cancer. “Whether it’s volunteering, donating, or simply spreading awareness about early detection, we all have the power to make a difference,” she said passionately.

With plans to expand mobile screenings across the country, Karen, ABCF, Swissray, and Koning are ensuring that the most advanced diagnostic technology is accessible to the people who need it most, providing critical early detection and peace of mind to underserved communities.

Karen Fultz’s story is a powerful reminder that when passion meets purpose, real change happens. As she so perfectly put it: “we get one body, one life one chance at it, and we want to make sure we do it right, and help others do the same.”

To learn more about how you can support breast cancer prevention and access resources, visit the American Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) at or reach out via email at Your contribution will directly help provide screenings and preventive care for women in underserved communities.


National Breast Cancer Assistance Access For All

ABCF makes access to breast health care and services easier for everyone. By eliminating barriers for screenings and increasing the availability of other medical resources, we are helping women and men detect breast cancer at its earliest stage. 

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