All information contained on this Site is copyrighted by and proprietary to the American Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., (ABCF) and may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, displayed, performed, distributed, altered, stored for subsequent use or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner without ABCF’s prior written consent.

To obtain permission to use or copy ABCF-copyrighted materials, please mail or fax requests to: ABCF, 10400 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 480, Columbia, MD 21044; fax number (410) 730-4186.

ABCF may grant permission to use portions of its materials if the material will be reproduced for educational purposes, and if it will not be used in connection with commercial or for-profit activities. The name and logo of American Breast Cancer Foundation are registered trademarks of American Breast Cancer Foundation.



Our Commitment to Your Privacy:

ABCF respects the privacy of every individual who visits our web site. This notice explains our online information practices. Because your privacy is important to us, we provide you with notice and choices about the collection and use of your information. Each page that requests personally identifiable information reminds you of the importance of your privacy and provides a link to the privacy policy. By visiting us at www.abcf.org, you accept the practices described in the notice.

We do not share any client data with third parties. Your personal information is kept confidential and is not disclosed to any outside organizations, except as required by law or with your explicit consent.

Use of Cookies:

We use cookies, which are small files that are sent to your Web browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive, to improve our Site’s operation. The cookie is used to speed up your access to the Site and the information you wish to see, but it does not contain any personal information. The majority of browsers accept cookies, but your browser should also give you options for preventing, accepting, or receiving notice of new cookies. Please be advised that if you block cookies, some Site functionality may be lost.

Data Collection:

Two types of information is collected, standard web server traffic pattern information and general traffic.  Site usage and length of stay information is collected and stored in our log files. This type of information is only shared externally on an aggregated basis and never specific to any given individual.

Personal Information:

Personal identifiable information is not collected unless you provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. If you donate, for example, we may collect the following information: name, address, telephone number, email address and amount of donation.

Personal information may be needed for certain optional online activities, such as donating to us, requesting information or participating in some other interactive process on our website. If you choose to make a contribution, the above-described information is collected, and we maintain a record of your contribution.

Should you participate in an online request, we may gather additional information in order to adequately respond. Such information will vary with the request, but often includes name, address, telephone number and email address.

Website information is limited to following:

Internal use, if you do not make a service request or donation or otherwise identify yourself, we will have no personally identifiable information about you.  We will only use aggregate information derived, in part, from your use of our site to improve our services.

If you provide personal information, we may enter your name into our constituent database and contact you in order to complete voluntary surveys, seek feedback for quality and service improvement purposes.  Supply you with information regarding our programs and services; request voluntary time or monetary contributions to ABCF, and/or request your participation in any ABCF research studies.

We collect the email addresses of those who communicate with us by email. If your name is entered into the database, we may contact you as outlined above.

External use, any health-related information we receive, primarily in connection with our mammogram screening program, is privileged and confidential and will not be used for any purpose or shared or released to anyone.

Donor Personal Information:

ABCF does not share or sell donor information. Any information collected by ABCF, both online and offline, remains private within our database with the ability to opt-out.  You may restrict our internal use of your personal information.

For more information on how to inform us of any desired restrictions, please see contact information under “Your Rights” below. If you contact us with an opt-out request, all reasonable efforts will be taken to ensure that you will not receive any of the selected communications from us in the future. You may opt-out at any time.

Data Security:

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we maintain physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards including encryption and the use of internal controlled servers. Our staff is educated about the importance of safeguarding your information and we are committed to holding them accountable for protecting your confidentiality.

Links Within Our Web Site:

Our privacy policies apply only to your use of the ABCF site. This site may contain links to other sites, including sites that have a special relationship with us. We do not disclose personally identifiable information to those operating linked sites and we are not responsible for their privacy practices. Links to other sites do not imply an endorsement of the materials or policies on those sites. You should read the privacy policies of each site you visit to determine what information that site may be collecting about you.



Commitment to Privacy:

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This notice supplements our Online Privacy Statement and describes our practices for safeguarding personal information about the individuals who contact us and who we serve by various means.

General Collection of Data:

When you support our organization through volunteering time or making a donation of cash or property, we gather the following information from you: name, address, telephone number and method or amount of support. We then enter your name into our constituent database and contact you in order to supply you with information, including breast cancer detection and prevention education information and related health news, as well as ABCF programs and events. We also may request voluntary time or monetary contributions in future contacts, as well as seeking completion of voluntary surveys seeking feedback for quality and service improvement purposes or to request that you take some call to action to assist us in furthering our programs. ANY information we collect will not be sold or shared.

Mammogram Screening Data Collection:

Through our mammogram screening program, we collect data and contact information about you. In order to be effective in the screening process, we must also collect health related information related to the screening process.

Data Use: If you participate in the screening programs directly, your contact information and health related information is retained for the screening purposes only. None of the information you provide, including your contact information, will be used by other departments within ABCF or made available to anyone external to ABCF. ABCF will not contact you outside of the screening program and process.

If you contact ABCF through the screening process and choose to receive information about ABCF, we use the information you provide us consistent with the Data Use section of the online privacy policy and General Collection of Data sections, herein. The sections titled Your Options set forth in this Privacy Policy explain how you may indicate whether you would like to be contacted by us and by what means.

We will obtain written consent from you before sharing your personally identifiable health-related information with any external parties. Such consent may be needed to inform third parties of results of the screening process only upon your consent and direction. We may use health-related information in the aggregate, without any personal reference, for purposes of developing internal educational materials in connection with breast cancer detection and awareness.

Your Rights:

We recognize that you may wish to limit the ways in which we contact you or restrict how contact information is shared internally or externally. Further, we do not share your health-related information outside of ABCF and use of this information is limited within ABCF.

You may make any restriction requests by contacting us by one of the following methods and indicating your preference. Privacy requests can be made by visiting www.abcf.org or to the attention of:

Privacy Requests
American Breast Cancer Foundation
10400 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 480
Columbia, MD 21044

Contacting Us & Privacy Updates:

We reserve the right to update this policy at any time. This privacy statement will likely be updated periodically and posted on our site.  It applies to both our online practices and general handling of personal information offline. If you have any questions about our policy or compliance, you may contact us as listed above.


National Breast Cancer Assistance Access For All

ABCF makes access to breast health care and services easier for everyone. By eliminating barriers for screenings and increasing the availability of other medical resources, we are helping women and men detect breast cancer at its earliest stage. 

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