Detecting and Living with Breast Cancer For Dummies



Your trusted, no-nonsense guide to detecting and managing breast cancer.

From the breast health experts at Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Breast Center (Dr. Marshalee George) & City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center (Dr. Kimlin Ashing) in association with the American Breast Cancer Foundation comes a sensitive and authoritative guide to the most common cancer in women: breast cancer. Covering everything from prevention to dealing with a diagnosis to coping with life after cancer, it serves as a trusted resource for anyone whose life has been touched by this dreaded disease.

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Wiley Publishing



National Breast Cancer Assistance Access For All

ABCF makes access to breast health care and services easier for everyone. By eliminating barriers for screenings and increasing the availability of other medical resources, we are helping women and men detect breast cancer at its earliest stage. 

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